school visits
books and visual aids can provide information about a bygone age in the classroom. However, this cannot rival the impact and educational value of a vivid recreation. LEGIIAVG brings in the carefully researched yet colourful detail of the life of a legionary in the Roman army. the life of ladies and civilians in the early years of Roman Britain. there are ample opportunities (under supervision) for children to handle accurate reproductions and potentially some real Roman artifacts from the late first to early second century AD. Keeping education interesting and immersive
Available Packages
A man dressed in full amour gives a talk on the life of the Roman soldier. The children
are encouraged to handle items of equipment (for example, to try on a helmet) and
there is a - usually - very lively question and answer session.
Finally, the children are then drilled using Latin commands and military formations.
A probable maximum of six such sessions for different classes can be provided over
the course of a day but every attempt is made to introduce any variations that might be
requested by staff. PLEASE NOTE: It may be that a school does not require a full-day
presence but we regret that the fee indicated below is the minimum that can be
charged if the service is to pay its way. One solution in cases of difficulty might be for
several small schools in a locality to combine and share the costs of a visit.
£165.00 (All fees are free of VAT.)
The legionary presenting the various aspects of military life is joined by a Roman slave
Who will talk about the life of a British Slave in Roman times giving details on their
capture, sale, jobs, punishments, and freedom (the children can dress up as a Roman
slave). The children are encouraged to handle all items on display.
She will then talk about the life, weapons, training, and death of a gladiator/Gladiatrix,
again the children are encouraged to handle all items on display and can dress as a
Gladiator ready for battle.
Entertainment, social activities, and most aspects of Roman life are also covered.
A second legionary joins his colleague and the slave to present an additional open air
experience - weather permitting. His activity centers on a reconstruction of the tent that
housed a contubernium (the basic eight-man unit of the Roman army) and the children
to the soldier describing his life as he cooks over a fire. (In the event of bad weather,
as many of these additional activities as possible are moved indoors.) The children are
then drilled using Latin commands.
£355. 00
There is a transport charge which is calculated according to the distance from our base
in north Portsmouth.
The charge is in three bands:
(a). A return journey of up to 30 miles: £30.00
(b). A return journey of up to 100 miles: £50.00
(c). A return journey of over 100 miles: by negotiation.
We are happy to cooperate with schools in recording aspects of our visit for later use
in the curriculum or other internal school purposes. However, any use of photographs,
video recordings, sound recordings, and similar media for use external to the school
and/or for commercial use must be cleared with Leg II Aug in advance. In the case of
commercial use, a fee will normally be negotiated.
BOOKING EARLY: There is a heavy demand for these presentations - but a limit on the
number that LEGIIAVG members can give in any one term. Teachers thinking about
making a booking, therefore, are advised to do so quickly and thus avoid possible